Individual Therapy
Are you struggling to deal with mood swings? Does anxiety sometimes feel as if it is too much? Are you stuck in old patterns that don’t serve you anymore? Have you suffered trauma? Or do you want to focus on your personal development because you feel you have not reached your full potential?
These and many others are valid questions people may have when they decide to start individual therapy.
When it comes to treating mood disorders and anxiety, research shows that therapy is usually the most effective option. That’s because psychotherapy treats more than just symptoms of the problem.
Therapy can help to uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears, learn how to relax, look at situations in a new, less frightening way, and develop better coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills.
If you are considering therapy, I invite you to contact me today for a free 15-minute consultation to meet and ask me any questions you may have.